Upcoming Hindi film Coffee with D has unfortunately been surrounded with several controversies. But the major problem that is giving the filmmaker a nightmare is a threat call from Pakistan. As per reports by a leading news channel, Chota Shakeel has confirmed threatening the producer. The team which includes producer Vinod Ramani and director Vishal Mishra have been given Police Protection since the past two days.
The filmmaker had to postpone the film. This had to be done due to threat calls from Dubai demanding to delete all the scenes portraying D in a negative light. Failing to do so would mean inviting dire consequences.
Due to the current situation, the filmmaker has decided to postpone the film. Ramani is facing the brunt of making a film on an imaginary interview between a journalist and underworld Don.
Vinod Ramani said "Chota Shakeel has clearly said that he doesn't want any scenes where Dawood Ibrahim has been insulted. He further added that we aren't demanding any money from you, just delete those scenes...or else your entire family's lives will be in danger." Producer Vinod Ramani and director Vishal Mishra have filed a complaint against getting repeated threat calls from underworld gangster Chhota Shakeel's aids asking them to either delete the portions that make fun of underworld don Dawood Ibrahim in the film or not release the film at all. While the film has been passed through censor with minimal edits, we wonder if the underworld still has such a strong say in what is been shown to the masses.
Starring Sunil Grover, Zakir Hussain, Dipannita Sharma & Anjana Sukhani; Coffee with D is based on the 1993 Mumbai Blasts which had rocked the nation.
Coffee with D is directed & written by Vishal Mishra. It is produced under the banner of Apex Entertainment by Vinod Ramani. Aabhar Dadhich has written the screenplay & dialogues. Music is by Superbia and lyrics by Sameer Anjan. Coffee with D has been filmed in Mumbai & Goa. The film is slated to release on the 20th of Jan, 2017.
Saturday, January 07, 2017 15:48 IST