US-based Indian filmmaker Jagmohan Mundhra has launched a film production company - Cine Boutique Entertainment UK Ltd - and his next film "Shoot At Sight" will be
the firm's maiden venture.
"Shoot At Sight", a suspense drama, revolves around a London police official of Muslim heritage against the backdrop of terrorism. The film will go on floors in
Cine Boutique is a joint venture between Mundhra and New York-based NRI industrialist Arun Govil.
Apart from producing films, the company aims at marketing and distributing quality films for global audiences. The company's main aim is to make moderate budget films
that are driven by concept rather than stars.
Mundhra has directed 22 English films in the US, four English films in Britain and four Hindi films in India.
His latest venture "Provoked", a real life story about a battered Punjabi wife who kills her husband with Aishwarya Rai in the main lead, is expected to release soon.
Thursday, September 28, 2006 15:45 IST