The dates have finally been locked. Salman Khan will begin shoot for his next, 'Tiger Zinda Hai', along with Katrina Kaif, in March. A source close to the unit says, "The shooting of the film begins on March 15 in Austria. Salman and Katrina will be participating in the film's first schedule."
Directed by Ali Abbas Zafar, it will be shot at various foreign locations. The film's prequel, 'Ek Tha Tiger', was similarly shot in various countries across the globe, including Ireland, Cuba and Thailand. While Ek Tha Tiger told the story of an Indian spy who falls in love with a Pakistani agent, 'Tiger Zinda Hai' is supposed to be a take on political espionage in general, and India's role in it.
Having just finished shoot for his home production, 'Tubelight', and the reality show Bigg Boss, Salman has begun prepping for Tiger's part.
Wednesday, February 01, 2017 11:54 IST