Shraddha Kapoor recently had a meltdown on the set of Haseena Parkar biopic. The actress has been shooting for Apoorva Lakhia's Haseena since the past week, and during an intense scene, she broke down, sobbing uncontrollably.
Says a unit source, `Shraddha got so immersed in the scene that she started wailing. Unit hands were wondering what had happened since her tears didn't stop even when the camera stopped rolling. Apoorva had to halt the shoot for an hour so that she could regain composure.`
Shraddha's brother Siddhanth, who plays Dawood, was also part of the scene. `He comforted her and eventually, he too welled up. Normally, Shraddha is able to switch off as soon as the director says 'cut', but this time, she couldn't contain her emotions. Something just triggered the tears,` adds the source.
Says director Apoorva Lakhia, `When Shraddha and Siddhant broke down, the cast was amazed at how close their relationship is. There was pin-drop silence and we cleared the set to give them personal space.`
Sunday, February 05, 2017 14:56 IST