Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor said on Saturday that as an actor and performer he understands the value and appreciation of the audience. The actor, who was present here along with Manik Davar, Chairman of Kala Ghoda Arts Festival, Brinda Milar, festival director among others, lit the lamp to open the 18th Kala Ghoda Festival.
Attending the Kala Ghoda Festival for the first time, Shahid appreciated the organiser for arranging such a huge show for the last 18 years and said: `As an actor I understand the value of audience.` `I am glad that budding artistes are getting opportunity to perform before a humongous audience. In our city (Mumbai), Kala Ghoda has become an unofficial art district. I am very excited to experience the festival. All I want to urge is please bring more people to the festival and support art and artistes.`
The evening started with some beautiful dance performances.Rajeshwari Vaidyanathan and Shannon Benjamin performed a Tango followed by a repeat performance of traditional Malkham by public demand by Victorian School for the Blind before Shahid arrived at the venue.
Also performing are singer Sukhwinder Singh, Flamenco dancer Paris Laxmi, a play by Anupam Kher and Neena Gupta, an exclusive dinner experience by Ranveer Brar, screening of the iconic film `Sholay` followed by a conversation with open audience conducted by Farah Khan. Starting Saturday, the festival will continue till February 12 at Kala Ghoda. Shahid Kapoor will next be seen in Padmavati co-starring Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh. The actor expressed his unhappiness over the attack on Sanjay Leela Bhansali in Jaipur when the latter was shooting for the film there.
Sunday, February 05, 2017 14:58 IST