Shraddha Kapoor has maintained the girl-next-door image in most of her films so far. But that's about to change with 'Haseena - The Queen Of Mumbai'. The actress shared the first look of the film on Monday morning and we can tell you one thing for sure - you've never seen Shraddha in this avatar before. Sporting heavily kohled eyes, a deep tan and a grim look on her face, the actress looks fierce in the first look while iconic buildings of both, Mumbai and Dubai, can be seen in the background.
Directed by Apoorva Lakhia, the biopic will see Shraddha play the titular role of Haseena Parkar, Dawood Ibrahim's sister. Interestingly, her real-life brother Siddhanth Kapoor is playing her on-screen brother, Dawood. The gritty film will trace Haseena's life from 17 to 40. Must say, it will be quite interesting to see Shraddha as a 40-year-old. The movie went on floors on October 11, 2016.
'Haseena - The Queen Of Mumbai' is scheduled to hit theatres on July 14, 2017.
Monday, February 06, 2017 12:02 IST