Indian star cricketer Virat Kohli on Tuesday sent the social media world into a tizzy when he posted a photograph with actress Anushka Sharma in the frame, and commented "you make everyday" seem like Valentine's Day. But he later withdrew the post from Twitter.
Kohli's tweet with the photograph, which featured the couple soaking in the sun at a garden, read: "Everyday is a Valentine Day if you want it to be. You make everyday seem like one for me... Anushka Sharma."
His message was also decorated with heart emojis. But he soon removed it from his verified Twitter handle imVkohli, but the same post is available on his Instagram page@virat.kohli.
This is the first time Kohli has come out about his relationship with Anushka. Otherwise, they have remained mum about rumours that they're more than just good friends.
Anushka and Kohli first met in 2013 when they worked together for a TV commercial. There has been a buzz about their bond ever since.
She was also once called a bad omen for being seen by Kohli's side during the ICC Cricket World Cup semi-final in Melbourne in 2015.
And gossip mills have remained abuzz about them as they continued to get photographed together at public events -- more recently at cricketer Yuvraj Singh's wedding to Hazel Keech, and designer Manish Malhotra's birthday party. The two were also seen at Dehradun, where they spent their Christmas and New Year holidays.
Thursday, February 16, 2017 12:41 IST