Indian megastar Rajinikanth's upcoming film '2.0' is said to be among the biggest releases of the ongoing year. Be it star power or production value, the S Shankar directorial is already making the headlines across the showbiz arena. The filmmakers of '2.0' are spending big bucks like water on this flick.
Now, it is being said that a whopping amount of Rs 12 crore on just one scene. Yes, you read that right. According to a DNA report, Akshay, Rajini and diva Amy Jackson will be performing a spine-chilling action sequence in the film which will be at par with the international standards.
OMG! We are dying to watch the stunt scene now.
'2.0' is a sequel to 2010 Tamil blockbuster 'Enthiran'. The film is reportedly being made on a budget of Rs 350 crore.
Friday, February 17, 2017 11:12 IST