'Jagga Jasoos' is one film that has seen several delays right from its inception. After a lot of hiccups, the shooting for the Ranbir Kapoor-Katrina Kaif starrer was finally wrapped up last month. The trailer, which was released soon after, received a positive response from the audience. While the audience is waiting with bated breath for this detective film, turns out there's another obstacle for the Anurag Basu-directed movie.
According to reports, the director wants to reshoot some portions of the film. Now this is particularly troubling news for Ranbir and Katrina because they have already committed to other projects and squeezing in dates for 'Jagga Jasoos' again might be difficult. Anurag has reportedly requested the two leads to give just five days for the film. It remains to be seen how this scenario will work out and whether it will affect the release of the film.
Monday, February 20, 2017 12:10 IST