Salman Khan has wrapped up the shooting for Kabir Khan's Tubelight. There has been a lot of buzz about the film due to its casting and backdrop of Sino-Indian war. The film stars Chinese actress Zhu Zhu who is making her debut in Bollywood.
A source says, "Salman is co-producing this film and wanted Katrina to be part of the film. He apparently spoke to Kabir and even wanted her to do a cameo. However the director thought that it isn't fitting into the script so the idea of having her in the film was dropped at last moment."
Earlier Shah Rukh Khan too had done a cameo in the film and according to reports he will be seen playing a magician in the film. Meanwhile there is a buzz that Salman Khan's rumoured girl friend Iulia Vantur has recording a special song for the film. A source says, "We were planning to record this number with someone else. However Salman suggested that Iulia should sing this particular song. So she replaced the original singer and recorded a song for the film."
Tubelight's first trailer is set to release in April and the film is slated to release on Eid this year.
Saturday, February 25, 2017 11:30 IST