Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan's look from his upcoming film "Thugs of Hindostan", which is doing rounds on social media, is not from the movie, but a special collaboration of the actor, his spokesperson said.
The turbaned look, showcasing Aamir as a sardar, is his look from another venture.
"The sardar look that has been doing the rounds is a look from a very special collaboration of Aamir and not from 'Thugs of Hindostan'," Aamir's spokesperson said.
Aamir will start shooting for "Thugs Of Hindostan" in May. He has been training hard for the film and his look will be lean, not as muscular as look he sported for his last film "Dangal".
"Thugs of Hindostan" is slated to release on Diwali 2018.
Sunday, February 26, 2017 14:07 IST