Aamir Khan and director Nitesh Tiwari broke gender stereotype with 'Dangal,' which became the highest grosser, entering the 385 crore club. The film encouraged and highlighted women empowerment and has received positive response from the critics as well as the cine-goers.
With Women's Day approaching, the duo have come together once again to lend their support towards strengthening the position of women and celebrating them.
Directed by Nitesh Tiwari, Aamir features in a new Star Plus ad where he subtly communicates the importance of a "Nayi Soch" which puts the spotlight on one of the nation's biggest social issues of gender inequality and takes it head on.
He expresses how the credit of the success of his business goes to his daughters who came up with innovative ideas to promote the business.
The ad has a lasting impression on the minds of the audience and takes them back to 'Dangal' The advertisement reemphasizes the line from the film, "Maari chhoriyaan chhoron se kam hai ke?" which had caught everyone's attention.
Tuesday, February 28, 2017 15:29 IST