The first offical trailer of Sonakshi`s `Noor` has been released. `Noor` is the Bollywood adaptation of the 2014 Pakistani novel Karachi, You`re Killing Me! by journalist-writer Saba Imtiaz.
The trailer of `Noor` starts off with Sonakshi as a happy-go-lucky 20-something girl in Mumbai - one who is struggling with her love life as much as she is with her weight issues. Her job as a journalist and the responsibilities that come with it don`t figure high on her priority list. However, things take a dramatic turn and she realises that it`s time to take charge of her life and undo the mistakes she has made.
Noor is directed by Sunhil Sippy and stars Sonakshi Sinha in the lead role alongside, Kanan Gill, Shibani Dandekar, Purab Kohli. It is slated to release on 21st April, 2017.
Wednesday, March 08, 2017 11:57 IST