She doesn't belong to a film family, but nine years ago, Anushka Sharma made a dream debut as the heroine in Shah Rukh Khan-starrer Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi (2008) and ran into immediate success. However, the actress, who is excited about her second home production, Phillauri, says she doesn't feel the need to belong to the film industry.
"I was 19 when I did my first film, and at the time, I felt like I wanted to be part [of the industry]. But today, after doing so many films, I feel welcomed, and at the same time, I don't feel the need to belong here," says Anushka, adding that she draws the line between work and personal life.
"For me, this is a place of work, and I need time off from it. I am a family person and have a life of my own. My dedication towards work is immense, but I can't treat work as my be all and end all. My movies and production house are important to me, but beyond that, I don't feel the need to be an insider."
Anushka turned producer with the gritty thriller, NH10, two years ago. She says Phillauri is diametrically opposite to her first production. "This is a kids-friendly film, which can be watched with the entire family. It's a conventional Bollywood movie."
The actress plays a friendly ghost in it, and admits that the most challenging aspect of the film was the VFX. "A lion's share of the budget went into special effects. The ghost plays a crucial part in the movie, so we wanted to make those bits interesting. We decided to give a different visual of the ghost, which I believe, has never been seen in Hindi films or Hollywood before."
Wednesday, March 08, 2017 12:01 IST