Without doubt, Anushka Sharma is on top of her game. Having swept the box office with two super successful films and roles in Sultan and Ae Dil Hain Mushkil, this year, Anushka will feature in Phillauri, her second home production. In fact, Anushka's single minded focus on making her film production venture a success, with films that will be remembered forever, is visible in her script choices and risk taking ability.
Which is why Anushka is now the face of Entrepreneur magazine. Looking her best in the best of chic, minimalist designer wear, Anushka speaks about her interest in the business of cinema, with complete focus on quality entertainment. A magazine that only features focused business professionals from the world of entertainment, previously, Shah Rukh Khan and Hrithik Roshan have made it to the cover of this magazine. That Anushka has been featured amongst the top notch movie stars who are also successful business men from Bollywood just goes on to prove her position within the film industry today.
One who has always let her work speak ahead of all else, Anushka is also the face of credible and trusted brands in India. From Nivea personal care products, to a Pepsico beverage to the sleek new Acer laptops, Anushka Sharma is synonymous with trust and dependability.
With Phillauri and it's friendly ghost slated for release soon, this magazine cover establishes beyond doubt that Anushka Sharma is one female movie star who is here to stay for the long game, and will pull out all stops to give shape to her dream ventures.
Thursday, March 09, 2017 12:19 IST