Actress Surveen Chawla, last seen in Jhalak Dikhla Jaa 9 and 24 (Season 2), was seen last evening at The Femina Beauty Awards. She wore fashion designer Samant Chauhan's Kinnaur Queen II collection's white gown.
Surveen's gown was styled by Sanam Ratansi. A happy Surveen quoted, "I feel very beautiful, and Femina is all about feeling beautiful. For me I don't think Diamond would be a girl's best friend, but Femina surely is. It's got everything that a woman needs to know about, beauty and sometimes life too. It's informative and a cool take-away for when you're traveling or at the airport and feel like reading something and hence I say, Femina is a girl's best friend."
When asked about her secret to her beauty she said, "Everything that you eat actually becomes who you are. Eat that food that radiate a lot of colour and brings them into your life too. A lot of meditation also helps radiate the skin. First thing in the morning that I need is lots of water and it has to be warm. Water is very essential. Also some moisturizing for the skin and masks for the hair."
Her final statement on beauty was "You are what you eat."
Monday, March 20, 2017 12:02 IST