Vipul Amrutlal Shah's 'Commando 2' has scored big on action, surpassing Rs. 38 crore at the worldwide box office so far. The film has had a power-packed impact with its action sequences and daredevil stunts. Cine-goers have a special penchant for the action genre and 'Commando 2' has attracted the audience in huge numbers.
The film caters mostly to the masses and had a good opening weekend, in spite of having a massive Hollywood release, 'Logan' as its competition. Vipul Amrutlal Shah sure does know the pulse of the audience and gives them the high octane action that they desire.
The first installment of the franchise, 'Commando: A One Man Army' had a successful run at the box office and 'Commando 2' has outdone its predecessor in a big way.
The movie was made on an even bigger scale, with its thrilling chase sequences and exquisitely shot action scenes.
Vipul Amrutlal Shah shares, "The film has done a worldwide theatrical Gross Box Office of Rs. 38.58 crores so far, and earned decent pre-sales from Satellite, Music and Digital rights of the film, resulting in a profitable venture for producers." The film has been ringing in moolah at the box office, keeping the producers happy with the reception to the film, and is still going strong.
Vidyut Jammwal has a huge fan following and is known for his martial arts skills. His daredevil stunts attracted and entertained the audience thoroughly, giving them their much-needed adrenaline rush.
'Commando 2' is presented by Reliance Entertainment and Jayantilal Gada (PEN India Ltd.) in association with Sunshine Pictures Pvt. Ltd, and is playing at a theater near you.
Tuesday, March 21, 2017 12:11 IST