Rajkumar Hirani, who is currently shooting for his upcoming film, a biopic on Sanjay Dutt, is getting nostalgic with memories of shooting with Sanjay Dutt and Sunil Dutt for Munna Bhai M.B.B.S.
Sunil Dutt played a very important part in Sanjay Dutt's life and his character in the biopic would be very important.
Fortunately, Rajkumar Hirani has had the chance to not only interact with Sunil Dutt but also shoot with him, so he knows him much better.
Infact, Rajkumar Hirani is one person who has interacted and shot with both Sanjay Dutt and Sunil Dutt.
So, this time, as he shoots with their reel life characters, Ranbir Kapoor and Paresh Rawal for the biopic, he gets the memories back of his first shot with Sanjay and Sunil Dutt.
He also has a lot of stories from back then to share with his cast today of the experiences of shooting with the real-life father - son.
The biopic is one of the most awaited films of this year and the cast and crew are currently in the midst of their shoot for the same.
Friday, March 24, 2017 11:24 IST