Bollywood actor Mallika Sherawat is set to steam up the big screen playing an ex-CIA agent in a movie ‘Dasavatharam' with veteran actor Kamal Hassan, where the actor himself plays a record-breaking ten roles!
Ravi Kumar, director of the movie said Sherawat agreed to do the movie even before she saw the script since she was very keen to work with Hassan.
"She plays a bold, modern girl. It was a pleasure working with her as she would report every morning at seven on the dot," Kumar said.
"But one had to be professional since Kamal himself would reach the sets around 2.30 -3 am everyday!
He would do his make-up for about five hours and by the time Mallika arrived he would be ready for the shot," he adds.
With a budget of around Rs 30 crore, the film has imported a make-up team headed by Michael Westmore from LA. Kamal has written the script, screenplay and dialogues of the film. Asin is also playing the female leads along with Mallika Sherawat.
"If there is Mallika, there have to be hot scenes," he said when asked about the scenes between Hassan and Sherawat.
Sherawat also played an Indian princess in her latest movie The Myth with Hong Kong movie hero Jackie Chan.
Saturday, October 07, 2006 15:54 IST