After launching the social media handles in an innovative video yesterday, Salman Khan Films released the first poster of their forthcoming film Tubelight today. The poster depicts the back of Salman Khan with the line `Kya Tumhe Yakeen Hai` running across.
While they had kids singing Jal Jaa... Jal Jaa in the first video, the deep line thought of keeping the faith definitely leaves you thinking! The makers are raising the interest of the audience with every passing day.
When do we get to see Salman Khan's look in the film? What is the significance of 'Kya Tumhe Yakeen Hai' We will have to wait and watch!
Tubelight, a Kabir Khan film, staring Salman Khan, Sohail Khan & Zhu Zhu, produced by Salma Khan & Salman Khan, co-produced by Amar Butala, music by Pritam, executive producer Rajan Kapoor, associate producer Garima Mehta. The film will release in cinemas worldwide on 23rd June 2017.
Wednesday, April 19, 2017 12:08 IST