The veteran Bollywood actor and legend Vinod Khanna who was battling with prolonged cancer has passed away.
He was 70 years old and recently he was admitted to Sir H.N. Reliance Foundation Hospital and Research Centre in Mumbai due to his illness.
In his long Bollywood career, Vinod Khanna worked in more than 100 films and he was also 4 time MP from Gurdaspur, Punjab. He is survived by his wife Kavita Khanna, sons Rahul, Akshaye and Sakshi Khanna and a daughter Shraddha Khanna. He was earlier married to Geetanjali but they later got divorced.
He was last seen in Rohit Shetty's Dilwale along with Shahrukh Khan in 2015. He was surrounded by his children and wife Kavita in his last days.
Thursday, April 27, 2017 12:55 IST