Actress Vindhya Tiwary, who is known for shows like Sumit Sambhal Lega, Sasural Simar Ka and Diya Aur Baati Hum is quite a full-of-life and vivacious young actress, and is a very close friend of Nivedita Basu.
They`re often seen hanging out together. Taking this friendship to another level, Vindhya has now collaborated with Nivedita in her digital venture. Nivedita, who has her production house named The House of Originals ventured into the digital space earlier this month with a web series called Spooks.
Vindhya will be releasing her Vlog named `Jammy`s Blog` on THOO`s YouTube channel and will be talking about different aspects of her life! Talking about this collaboration, Vindhya seems to be extremely excited to be working with such a close friend, and hopes that the audience will like it too.
Nivedita plans on making her digital venture a place where budding filmmakers get a chance to showcase their talent! With this beautiful collaboration, we can see The House of Originals flying high!
Saturday, April 29, 2017 11:26 IST