The first trailer of Rajkummar Rao`s `Behen Hogi Teri` is out and it`s hilarious. Directed by Ajay K Pannalal and produced by Tony D`Souza, Amul Vikas Mohan, Nitin Upadhyaya, `Behen Hogi Teri` is the story about Gattu (Rajkumar Rao) who is all set to woo his childhood crush Binny (Shruti Haasan).
This is the first time that Rajkumar Rao is trying his hands in romantic-comedy as a solo lead.
Although the trailer is slightly too long but it can surely tickle you and will give you a reason to smile.
Gattu is fighting the society`s perception that "Mohalle Ki Ladkiyan Maa-Behen Hoti Hain" and trying to woo Binny.
Tuesday, May 02, 2017 13:02 IST