We don't usually get to see Shraddha Kapoor gracing the cover of leading fashion magazines but her latest shoot for Harper's Bazaar Bride is a class apart. Clad in a beautiful blue and purple Sabyasachi lehenga with gold work all over it, the Half Girlfriend actress channelises retro vibes to perfection. A heavy choker from Azva and gold jewellery from the same design house adds the perfect bridal touch to her look.
While we are talking about bridal style we can't ignore the bridal make-up and hair, after all it's an essential part of a bride's grooming routine. What celebrity stylist Daniel Bauer had in mind for this particular shoot is completely unconventional. As evident from the photo, Kapoor can be seen flaunting a dark blue lip shade and 'au naturale' make-up without even a hint of blush and eye shadow - we can only see clean mascara-lined eye lashes and strongly defined brows. As for the hair, a long bob with retro waves was his choice for the beautiful actress.
The leading fashion bridal magazine shared a photo of the cover of Kapoor saying, "Return of the retro with @ShraddhaKapoor."
Thursday, May 04, 2017 12:32 IST