There is a talk that Rajamouli might take either Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh or Prabhas in his next big-budgeted movie. Although Rajamouli is currently holidaying, sources say the top director wants any of these two stars for his next Telugu, Tamil and Hindi trilingual fantasy adventure movie.
The film will take another year to go to the sets. So Rajamouli has plenty of time on his hands to decide about casting. Rajamouli is said to have impressed with Ranveer Singh's recent Bollywood work. So, he believes he fits the bill perfectly for his next movie.
Prabhas, on the other hand, is planning to complete two movies shortly. The team of Rajamouli say if he works with Prabhas again it would do wonders in trade circles and he may not have to worry about budget.
Rajamouli has reportedly dropped off the idea of making a small movie after 'Baahubali 2' became worldwide box-office phenomena.
Wednesday, May 10, 2017 11:01 IST