Superstar Rajinikanth's next film, tentatively titled, Thalaivar 161, is yet to go on the floors. But, it seems it is already raking controversy. Sundar Shaekhar, a self-proclaimed adopted son of Haji, has sent a legal notice to the Thalaivar warning him not to portray his 'father' in a bad light.
Earlier, speculations were rife that Rajinikanth will be playing a gangster based on the life of Haji, who is touted to be the mentor of Dawood Ibrahim. `Depicting him as smuggler and underworld don is highly unacceptable and defamatory. He was never convicted in any court for smuggling or underworld activities,` Sundar told Deccan Chronicle. However, Sundar was not against making a film on the life of Haji and he has even revealed his interest in bankrolling the film.
Mastan Haider Mirza, popularly known as Haji Mastan, was a Tamil Muslim who migrated to Mumbai when he was eight along with his father. He was an associate of gangsters Karim Lala and Varadarajan Mudaliar and was involved in smuggling and real estate business. He also financed Bollywood films. Haji dominated the underworld scene of the city for almost 20 years. Ajay Devgan played a role based on Haji in 2010 film Once Upon a Time in Mumbaai.
Saturday, May 13, 2017 14:45 IST