The trailer of Sridevi's upcoming film, 'Mom' was released recently and it is intriguing. One person who piqued the curiosity of the audience was Nawazuddin Siddiqui, who is seen sporting a half-bald, bespectacled look in the film.
This is the first time Nawaz will be seen sharing screen space with the actress and the former can't contain his excitement. He confessed that one of the main reasons for him to sign 'Mom' was because he had the opportunity to star in the film with Sridevi.
Nawaz further added that the actress not only helped him perfect the nuances for his act, but also helped him in his upcoming project 'Manto'. According to the 'Freaky Ali' actor, Sridevi is "hardworking and disciplined", and her suggestions, including even a change of expression or technique of dialogue delivery, used to make the scene better. Admitting to being a die-hard fan of the actress, Nawazuddin revealed that he used to binge-watch her films like 'Chalbaaz', 'Chandni', 'Sadma' and 'Lamhe' during his NSD (National School of Drama) days.
Wednesday, June 07, 2017 12:42 IST