Veteran actor Anupam Kher, who will be seen playing the role of Dr Manmohan Singh in the film based on the book The Accidental Prime Minister, has shared the first poster of the flick. The movie will be directed by Vijay Ratnakar Gutte.
Anupam took to micro-blogging site Twitter to share the poster. He tweeted, `To reinvent yourself as an actor is to challenge yourself. Looking forward to portraying #DrManmohanSingh in #TheAccidentalPrimeMinister.`
The Accidental Prime Minister: The Making and Unmaking of Manmohan Singh is the book written by former Prime Minister's media advisor Sanjay Baru. The producer of the film Sunil Bohra revealed that they have completed the research on the movie and it is going to be bigger than Richard Attenborough's Gandhi.
He stated that the auditioning for the cast of the film is almost in the final stage and the team will soon declare the names of the actors. Anupam is very elated to become the part of the film and also finds it challenging to the play the role of former PM.
Vijay Ratnakar Gutte, who is making his directorial debut with the biopic, has said that he believed the story needs to be told with honesty and integrity.
The screenplay of the film is written by Hansal Mehta. The movie is slated to release on December 2018.
Wednesday, June 07, 2017 12:43 IST