Earlier Shah Rukh Khan did a cameo in Salman Khan's recently released film, 'Tubelight'. Now it's Salman's turn to return the favour by doing a special appearance in Aanand L Rai's untitled SRK-starrer. It is said the two will shoot for a song on July 4 at Yash Raj Studios. Apart from this shoot, Salman is also in talks for his next.
According to reports Remo D'Souza will choreograph the the song for Aanand L Rai's film. A huge set has been created at YRF for the song. A source close to the unit said, "the song is very crucial to the film and in fact it is turning point of the film."
Apart from 'Tiger Zinda Hai' directed by Ali Abbas Zafar, Salman is doing another film, titled 'Bharat', which will be produced by Salman's sister Alvira and her husband Atul Agnihotri. It is said to be the official remake of the 2014 Korean film, 'Ode To My Father'.
Tuesday, July 04, 2017 13:11 IST