A special court here Monday asked actor Sanjay Dutt, an accused in the 1993 Mumbai blasts case, to appear before it with 25 co-accused for attendance Wednesday.
The Terrorism and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act court, presided over by special judge Pramod Kode, which is in midst of delivering verdicts since Sep 12 in the
13-year-old case, has exempted some accused including Dutt from personal appearance and asked them to appear as and when they were summoned.
Dutt was arrested on charges of possessing a AK-47 rifle that had come in consignment smuggled by blast mastermind and prime accused Tiger Memon in 1993.
At the time of his arrest, his career was on an upswing. He was shooting for "Khalnayak" in Mauritius when he was summoned by the Mumbai police and subsequently
arrested on arrival at the airport. "Khalnayak" went to become a major hit.
The court is likely to deliver a verdict on Dutt in the coming week.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006 16:23 IST