Veteran Bollywood actor Rishi Kapoor has landed himself in yet another controversy. Advocate Adil Khatri, who is also the general secretary of Jai Ho Foundation, has lodged a police complaint against the actor for posting an offensive picture of a child on his Twitter handle.
When got in touch with Adil Khatri, he said, `We have filed a complaint with Mumbai Police Commissioner, Mumbai Cyber Cell and Ministry of Woman and Child Development against actor Rishi Kapoor for posting nude and pornographic image of a child on his Twitter account @chintskap.`
He further said that Rishi Kapoor has been playing with cyber laws for too long, and now someone needs to teach him a lesson. He added, `We don't know who the child in the picture is, but it is offensive as the child is naked and a headphone has been stuck into his private parts.`
Saturday, August 26, 2017 15:30 IST