Bollywood's 'Singham' Ajay Devgn and wife Kajol who were last seen together in 'U Me Aur Hum' in 2008, will soon star together in a comedy film, if reports are to be believed. According to a report, a source close to the development informs that the movie will be a family entertainer with a social message. This won't be a tragic story instead it will be light-hearted like any other comedy films.
The couple has starred together in several films like 'Ishq', 'Gundaraj', 'Pyaar Toh Hona Hi Tha', etc. The performances and the chemistry between the real life couple have always been appreciated from all quarters and due to this one can wonder what the Devgns will deliver us in their next.
Thursday, August 31, 2017 13:33 IST