Bollywood's dimpled diva Preity Zinta will be organising a special show of "Jaan-e-Mann" for children, who are her biggest fans.
Preity is combining her efforts with many organisations like the Make a Wish Foundation.
According to Preity, "Jaan-e-Mann" is a child-friendly film. The actress said: "I want to screen it for kids. They love you
unconditionally and they won't come to the film with preconceived notions. I want to give these children from various
organisations a reason to smile."
Preity also plans to host a small party with lots of singing, dancing and games. There'll be loads of surprises and gifts for the
young ones.
A few kids of Bollywood stars are also likely to be present for the special screening.
Thursday, October 19, 2006 13:58 IST