Playing by the rules sometimes do not get us desired result, but breaking rules does. Victory has no rules but the act of winning at any cost does. The newly launched channel Star Bharat attempts to demystify this reality with a new show 'Saam Daam Dand Bhed' starting August 28, 2017, every Monday-Friday at 9 PM. SaamDaam Dand Bhedproduced by Shakuntalam Telefilms Pvt. Ltd. is an exceptional story of one such young man called Vijay Namdhari who came from nothing and achieved everything. He rose from ashes like a phoenix from young zealous family man to leader of politician gamesmanship.
Based in a fictitious town in India, 'SaamDaam Dand Bhed' will portray the journey of a kind soul Vijay Namdhari with a dark reality. Vijay is a classic example of dauntless, nonchalant youth of today who doesn't know what he wants from life. He decides to enter the world of real politics for the sake of his family, picks up mantle of his dead brother, mends his ways and in no time becomes leader of the country. True to the name of the show, Vijay uses four ways to get his work done - 'Saam'- Humble request, 'Daam' - Bribe to get it done if first fails, 'Dand' - Threaten and 'Bhed' - Punishment. The show talks about the importance of family bond, the unquestioned rule of one political leader in the country's heartland, besides the vicious and horrifying games some people play to attain power. The politics will test love, family, friendship.
The Producer Shyamasis Bhattacharya said `The concept of 'SaamDaam Dand Bhed' resonates with every Indian dwelling, who can do to any extent give up the pleasures of life for their family. The show will trace the journey of an underdog, who came from nothing and achieved everything. My team have been working very hard and we are hopeful that the show will hit the right note with the audience`
The show brings together an ensemble cast in the lead roles like SonalVengurlekar as Mandira opposite BhanuUday who essays the role of Vijay. Akshay Annand will return to television as BhanuUday's Brother. Also, GreeshSahdev as Pankaj Chaudhary as the antagonist on the show.
Watch the exceptional Journey of Vijay Namdhari on 'SaamDaam Dand Bhed', Monday to Friday at 9 p.m. only on Star Bharat
Monday, September 04, 2017 12:59 IST