Bollywood actor Aishwarya Rai, the brand ambassador of Longines watch, made a very brief appearance at the launch of its
new collection BelleArti in the capital Tuesday.
Rai in her glamorous self in blue top and jeans, breezed on the stage and greeted the media persons, who went berserk once she
came on the dais. She thanked the media for a warm welcome.
After that she rattled off a few words about her association with the brand.
"After my wonderful long association with Longines, I proudly call myself one of the important members of the company. I have
been with the brand for seven years and I agree with them that elegance is attitude," she said.
Unveiling the new collection, she said: "It is so feminine, elegant, strong and subtle and still has a charm - something that I
absolutely associate with."
Speech over, she wished media persons happy Diwali and waltzed out.
Longines Asia Pacific regional manager Claude Jaunim tried to coax her for a question-answer session but she refused.
The BelleArti range is priced Rs.67,000 onwards.
Thursday, October 19, 2006 14:03 IST