Vishal Mishra, who made his directorial debut with 'Coffee With D' early this year, has an exciting line-up of films coming one after the other. The latest addition to this line-up is a women-centric suspense thriller, which is untitled yet. The director has signed Urvashi Rauteala to lead the cast that has some of the finest actors of industry including Rajesh Sharma.
The film will be shot in a small beautiful town in the Himalayas. Though the title of the film is yet to be decided, the makers have the tag line of the film, around which it revolves- "Can you solve your own murder?`. Talking about his latest project, director Vishal Mishra said, `I am so excited to be working on an out-an-out thriller. I am huge fan of the genre and truly admire Bollywood thrillers like 'Tessri Manzil' and 'Jewel Thief'. Urvashi will surprise the audience in this with such an author-backed role."
The shoot of the film commences on November and is set to release in the first half of 2018. Apart from this film, director Vishal Mishra has his hands full as he is gearing up for the release of his second directorial venture 'Hum Dono Honge Kamyaab' starring Kunaal Roy Kapur & Tara Alisha Berry and has just wrapped the shoot of his third film which is titled 'Hotel Milan Khilte Hain Gul Yahan Khil Ke Bikharne Ko'.
Saturday, September 09, 2017 14:40 IST