Shraddha Kapoor, who has mostly played the female lead in sweet love stories, took up a challenge when she gave her nod to the lead role in Apoorva Lakhia's upcoming film 'Haseena Parkar', which is based on the life of dreaded don Dawood Ibrahim's sister Haseena Aapa and the actress had to do much more than rely on prosthetics and body suits to play the character well.
Sources attached to the film claim that in order to get a feel of Nagpada and Haseena's way of life, Shraddha wore a burkha and visited the neighbourhood. The actress also met Haseena's family members to get insights about her life and personality. Shraddha claims that exploring Nagpada incognito helped her a lot to understand her character and the world that she grew up in.
Directed by Apoorva Lakhia, Haseena Parkar stars Shraddha Kapoor, Siddhanth Kapoor and Ankur Bhatia. Produced by Nahid Khan with Swiss Entertainment and co-produced by Sameer Antulay and Babu Tyagi, the film is set to release on September 22.
Wednesday, September 13, 2017 14:54 IST