Rohit Roy, one of the most popular faces on Indian television, will finally be venturing into the realm of digital space with Vikram Bhatt's 'Memories' on 'Viu'. The actor, who also garnered tremendous response for his recent negative character in 'Kaabil,' is all set to play an ingenious news reporter in this gripping thriller.
In this thirteen-episode digital show, Rohit plays the lead character - Manav Malhotra, who is a reputed news anchor on a leading news channel. Time and again, he also helps the police solve challenging cases. His life takes a drastic turn when he gets involved in a high-profile case and things get out of hand for this astute reporter.
Ace director Vikram Bhatt who has written this upcoming thriller commented, "The digital space has become an interesting form of storytelling that the audience wants to consume. A story like Memories has been created keeping the platform in mind. This thriller is a gripping drama and revolves around this character who has special abilities. I believe the viewers will enjoy a beautifully woven romance amidst the thrill and twists that the show will bring along."
Viu's 'Memories' will go live in November.
Saturday, September 16, 2017 14:25 IST