Aditi Rao Hydari, who plays Sanjay Dutt's daughter in his comeback film, Bhoomi, was required to stammer with just a slight hesitation in her voice. Talking about the actress perfecting her speech in the film, director Omung Kumar says, `I was clear that I didn't want her stammering to look forced or artificial. Aditi and I did several workshops in order to understand how it would come across, and whether it would work better in the form of a slight hesitation or a complete stammer. It was tough but she did it effortlessly.`
Talking about her own prep for the part, Aditi added, `Bhoomi is every girl in India or atleast how every girl should be; confident, independent, loving, free-spirited. We wanted every girl to identify with her and every parent to be able to see her as their daughter and therefore we decided to go without any make-up and an imperfect speech which did not come in the way of her confidence. My stammering had to look natural as if I had grown up with it. Bhoomi, like every girl, needs to accept her imperfections and celebrate her uniqueness.`
'Bhoomi' is an emotional and sensitive revenge drama that explores the relationship between a father and daughter.
Produced by T-Series & Legend Studios, 'Bhoomi' releases worldwide on September 22nd, 2017.
Thursday, September 21, 2017 14:40 IST