Cricketer turned actor Sreesanth is all set to make his Bollywood debut with Ananth Mahadevan's directorial venture Aksar 2. The cricketer however took Ananth Mahadevan by surprise on his very first day of shoot!
To this Ananth Mahadevan said, `I was a little nervous about Sreesanth and whether I would be able to extract a good performance from him. But he really took me by surprise.`
`I was very impressed with his discipline. He was always on set 15 minutes before his call time and had learnt all his lines. Working with him was an absolute pleasure.`
Well the entire nation is waiting with bated breath to watch Sreesanth make his Bollywood debut with Aksar 2.
Presented by Siddhivinayak Creations, Aksar 2 is produced by Narendra Bajaj, Varun Bajaj and Chirag Bajaj. Directed by Ananth Narayan Mahadevan, with music composed by Mithoon and lyrics penned by Sayeed Quadri, Aksar 2 stars Gautam Rode, Abhinav Shukla, Zareen Khan, Mohit Madaan, Lillete Dubey and Sreesanth. The film is slated to release on October 6th, 2017.
Friday, September 22, 2017 16:40 IST