Effervescent television anchor Mini Mathur, who hosted the "Indian Idol" show for Sony, will conduct the third edition of the POGO Amazing Kids Awards 2006 from Nov 4.
Mini, who will host the completely new 19 episode serialised format produced by Miditech, feels this show will be much more challenging because here she will be dealing
with kids.
"I am really excited to be part of POGO Amazing Kids Awards 2006. Though I have anchored a lot of shows on television, this one demands dealing with young hearts and
their emotions. POGO is doing an incredible job by inculcating confidence in these kids and providing them a platform to showcase their talent to the country," said Mini in a
press release.
Monica Tata, vice president, advertising sales and networks, India and South Asia, Turner International India, is quite confident about Mini.
She said: "We are extremely happy to introduce Mini as the new face for POGO Amazing Kids Awards 2006. We are confident that Mini will do complete justice to the
show. A mom herself, Mini would be the best person to interact with the participants and their parents and also share a comfort level with them as they face the camera."
Currently, the research team and jury is busy short-listing five nominees from each of the eight categories - arts, sports, music, singing, dance, genius, leadership and
entertainment. These 40 kids will be profiled as part of the POGO Amazing Kids Awards 2006 series.
The winners will be awarded with a child benefit policy worth Rs.500,000. To further highlight their talent, the winning kids will get the chance to be on POGO throughout
Instituted by POGO in December 2004, the award recognises child wonders.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006 10:22 IST