The actor is on cloud nine since he received appreciation from none other than the Chote Nawaab, Saif Ali Khan. We hear that the actor sent a message appreciating Sanyal for his performance in the film and that's not all Kareena Kapoor Khan was also all praises for the actor, looks like the actor is on a roll with his acting prowess.
Tuesday, October 10, 2017 13:32 IST
Chandan Roy Sanyal who was last seen in Saif Ali Khan starrer Chef that released on 6th October 2017 has been receiving a lot of appreciation from the critics and the industry insiders for his performance in the film where he plays the character of a su-chef, sharing screen space with Saif who plays a famous Chef in the film. The film is an adaptation of Hollywood film Chef by Jon Favreau released in 2014.
The actor is on cloud nine since he received appreciation from none other than the Chote Nawaab, Saif Ali Khan. We hear that the actor sent a message appreciating Sanyal for his performance in the film and that's not all Kareena Kapoor Khan was also all praises for the actor, looks like the actor is on a roll with his acting prowess.
The actor is on cloud nine since he received appreciation from none other than the Chote Nawaab, Saif Ali Khan. We hear that the actor sent a message appreciating Sanyal for his performance in the film and that's not all Kareena Kapoor Khan was also all praises for the actor, looks like the actor is on a roll with his acting prowess.