According to a report on a Bollywood gossip website Arshi Khan will drop her towel in the Bigg Boss house, wearing only inner wear inside.
According to the article sources close to Team Arshi Khan (Team AK @arshikofficial on Twitter) the social media crack team headed by publicist and tech guru Flynn Remedios that is handling Arshi Khan's digital PR campaign while she is in the Bigg Boss house, today revealed that Arshi Khan is expected to drop her towel any time soon.
While, Flynn Remedios refused to directly answer our question, our sources said that Arshi Khan had planned the stunt even before she went in to the Bigg Boss house.
Accordingly, Arshi Khan is expected to walk out of the pool, of course wearing a bikini with a towel wrapped around her waist to cover her modesty.
As she walks into the house, in full view of the cameras, she will `accidentally` pretend to drop the towel, revealing herself in nothing but a bikini on Prime Time Tv.
Will EndemolShine India and Colors TV allow this footage to be shown during prime time? Will the incident be completely blacked out and cut by the editors?
Or will the Arshi Khan towel-bikini wardrobe malfunction only be seen online on Voot - the digital video platform from Viacom18 that has been showing some `hot footage` of Bigg Boss 11? Only time will tell.
However, we know for certain, that the bikini-towel malfunction is one of the TRP garnering tricks that Arshi Khan has in her bag of goodies for her fans. When will she pull it out, Maybe when she is threatened with eviction or may be when she finds she is not getting enough screen time and mileage.
We learnt Arshi Khan's digital team has knowledge of her tricks and is planning to 'launch' some appetizers or short video clips or vids to keep her 'in the news'.
Sources say Arshi Khan is trying her best to woo and stir up an affair with Hiten Tejwani.
Sharing the secret, `Arshi in a bid to win the task got close to Hiten and kissed him on his cheeks. She later went around the house telling everyone that she kissed Hiten.`
Saturday, October 14, 2017 14:42 IST