Zaira Wasim, whose birthday falls on 23rd October, today, will be celebrating the day with the audience.
Yes, she will be visiting several theatres across Mumbai to watch her recently released film Secret Superstar with the audience and get first hand reaction from them.
Zaira is away from her friends and family as she was in Mumbai only for the release of her film. So, what better way than spending this day with the audiences.
The film has been getting phenomenal response and the word of mouth is very strong. In fact it is being hailed as the best film of the year by many.
It's also one of the best-reviewed films of the year with the unanimous response being so fabulous.
Zaira Wasim shares, "Secret Superstar is the best gift that AK could give me. I'm excited about spending my birthday with the audience too. The response that I've been getting from everyone even before the release of the film has been so overwhelming."
Tuesday, October 24, 2017 13:16 IST