The trailer of Kapil Sharma's second outing Firangi was released yesterday pan India. Kapil has received love and appreciation in abundance from all quarters for the trailer. What's amazing is that in less than 24 hours, the trailer has received 6million plus views.
And Facebook is another 3 million plus which makes it 80 lac people who have viewed the trailer. Kapil's fans clearly can't wait to see the actor on the big screen.
At the trailer, along with unveiling, Kapil poured his heart out to the media about all the rumors doing the rounds about him.
Slated to release on 24th November, Firangi is the story of Manga (Kapil Sharma), a happy-go-lucky young man from the village Bahrampur, whose only aim is to join the police force.
Founded in 2016 as a film production house, K9 Films (K9) is owned by the renowned actor and stand-up comedian of the industry Kapil Sharma. He is currently among the top celebrities of the industry. Under his banner, he has already produced the top rated shows 'Comedy nights with Kapil' & 'The Kapil Sharma Show'. At K9, our aim is to capture audiences all over the world and serve them with an experience to cherish. Put your hands together as we are coming up with our first film 'Firangi' releasing on 24th November, 2017.
Thursday, October 26, 2017 13:46 IST