MediaTribe, an independent Digital Agency, has successfully bagged the digital campaign for an upcoming Bollywood film "1 Chor 2 Mastikhor" starring WWE Superstar Scott Steiner & Costa Rican movie starring Prabhakar Sharan. Sunil Gupta, a 24-year-old digital whiz, is the sole owner of this agency. He single-handedly manages the Facebook campaigns, PR campaigns, Twitter trends, controversy management and online promotions for all the brands in his kitty.
How often do we hear success stories of a young prodigy! Gupta has handled digital campaigns for renowned brands like Hindustan Times, Birla Sun Life Insurance, India Today, TVS, Kala Ghoda Art Festival, Yep Me Fashion, Mahindra Finance and Rais Shaikh (Samaj Wadi Party).
During a conversation about his recent project, Gupta said, "I don`t consider myself a digital whiz or anything. I have always had a knack in this field and I began working independently in my 2nd year engineering. I did one project after another and I learned a lot during the exposure I got. I still have a long way to go. But, for now, I am glad I have come this long."
With 4 years of experience in the digital world, he has started at a ripe age of 19 beating the trend and starting something of his own. He boasts a huge following on social media and is a known influencer himself.
His latest project `1 Chor 2 Mastikhor` is all set to release on 15th December. Here`s hoping the film and Gupta both prove successful in their own box office.
Wednesday, November 08, 2017 13:01 IST