Reality show contestants like Hritu Zarbade, Naina Singh, Akash Choudhary, Taj, Esha Choudhary, Mandeep Gujjar, Mohit Hiranandani and many more of Splitsvilla X and Roadies Rising fame had the time of their lives at suburbia's hottest hang-out destination that has become TV celebs' newest favourite place to party. Anmol Choudhary from Splitsvilla celebrated her birthday with her closest friends from the hit MTV shows.
Wednesday, November 08, 2017 13:01 IST
Popular contestants of MTV Splitsvilla X fame partied the night away at the newly launched lounge bar 'The Stadium Bar' in Goregaon (West) with their close friends recently.
Reality show contestants like Hritu Zarbade, Naina Singh, Akash Choudhary, Taj, Esha Choudhary, Mandeep Gujjar, Mohit Hiranandani and many more of Splitsvilla X and Roadies Rising fame had the time of their lives at suburbia's hottest hang-out destination that has become TV celebs' newest favourite place to party. Anmol Choudhary from Splitsvilla celebrated her birthday with her closest friends from the hit MTV shows.
Reality show contestants like Hritu Zarbade, Naina Singh, Akash Choudhary, Taj, Esha Choudhary, Mandeep Gujjar, Mohit Hiranandani and many more of Splitsvilla X and Roadies Rising fame had the time of their lives at suburbia's hottest hang-out destination that has become TV celebs' newest favourite place to party. Anmol Choudhary from Splitsvilla celebrated her birthday with her closest friends from the hit MTV shows.