The trailer of Kapil Sharma`s next `Firangi` has been released a few days ago and everyone went gaga over the look of the film. The look and costumes are bang on and have all the elements which give the real look of the film.
The backdrop of the film is set in British era and it was very hard for the art team to create that vibe, so the art direction team pull up their sleeves to give it a real feel of that era. They joined by locals and the team created the perfect setting for the film.
Here`s the behind the scenes video where we can see how the set was made. Take a look:
`Firangi` is produced by Kapil Sharma`s home production, K9 Films (K9). He is currently among the top celebrities in the industry. Under his banner, he has already produced the top-rated shows `Comedy Nights with Kapil` & `The Kapil Sharma Show`. `Firangi` is releasing on 24th November 2017.
Wednesday, November 08, 2017 13:04 IST