Vinod Bachchan's Shaadi Mein Zaroor Aana, directed by debutant filmmaker Ratnaa Sinha and featuring Rajkummar Rao and Kriti Kharbanda opened to an encouraging response at the box office on its release day earning Rs 1.64 crores.
With rave reviews by critics and strong positive word of mouth, the movie witnessed an impressive growth over the weekend and has managed to get good number of footfalls on Saturday (Rs 2.58 crores) and Sunday (Rs 3.24 crores) thereby making the weekend total to Rs 7.46 crores India Biz. (excluding overseas).
Rajkummar and Kriti's fresh pairing, good music and brilliant storytelling have certainly translated to the box office prospects of the family entertainer.
Director Ratnaa Sinha reveals, `It's not a feeling one can express. Viewers watched the film repeatedly and tweeted to me with promises to watch it again. I'm very grateful for such encouragement.`
Producer Vinod Bachchan adds, `The collection at the box office has superseded our expectations. I'm overwhelmed with the response viewers have shown to the film.`
Deepak Mukut and Soham Rockstar Entertainment presents a Soundrya Production, produced by Vinod Bachchan, directed by Ratnaa Sinha, with Zee Music Company as its music partner and written by Kamal Pande, Shaadi Mein Zaroor Aana released on the 10th of November, 2017.
Tuesday, November 14, 2017 13:52 IST