Bollywood has given a lot of female actors to Hollywood, and all of them have earned the popularity showered on them. Let it be Aishwarya, Deepika Padukone, Lisa Haydon, Mallika Sherawat, Nargis Fakhri, Tabu, Freida Pinto, Disha Patani or Amyra Dastur. However, the only one to have made a big name for her in Hollywood is Priyanka Chopra. She`s kind of numero uno if a comparison has to be made.
Priyanka does enjoy this limelight and why not? She even pales the contribution of Aishwarya Rai when it comes to her success... may it be of her acting, modeling or singing. This multi-talented lass has worked hard for it and every bit of it is deserving. The reason for her amazing performances is her commitment to her work. She loves to give her hundred percent and she does reap the dividends for her work ethics.
Here`s sharing her video capture of her photoshoot where her glamour and her focused approach can be appreciated.
Thursday, November 16, 2017 14:29 IST